Trade Statistics Dashboard |
Tree Map
Treemap representation of trade by section and chapter as a proportion of total trade.
Click on the section to drill-down into chapters and click again to drill-back up to section view. Hover over section to see specific values.
Bubble Chart - Countries
Bubble chart representation of trade by country.
Size of circles represent countries contribution and colour of circles represent world region groups. |
Bubble Chart Commodities |
Bubble chart representation of trade by commodities. |
Size of circles represent chapter contribution, and colour of circles represent section groups. |
Trade Balance Trend
Monthly import, export and trade balance trend over time. |
Graphical depiction of the monthly import, export and trade balance figures from january 2010. |
Trade Balance World Map |
Geographical representation of Trade Balance by Country. |
Red shows countries with a trade deficit and Green shows country with trade surplus. |
FAQ - Relationships |
Explore hierachies - commodities, World regions, trade blocks. |
Explore relationships between: a) 23 sections and 99 chapters, b) world regions, c) trade blocks.